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updated by
Christopher Spry

Biology & Natural History

  • Animal Diversity Web at the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
  • Animal sounds on the web
  • ARKive UK. Wildscreen Trust's free audio-visual online database of wildlife, especially endangered species, with films, photographs and sound recordings
  • Bat Conservation Trust, UK and their advice on what to do if you find a bat that is ill or on the ground including phoning them 0845-1300 228.
  • Bats: detection devices, books, CDs etc. for sale from Stag Electronics.
  • BioImages, 'Virtual Field-Guide' for UK Bio-diversity with over 30,000 images of more than 3,000 species.
  • Biology links, Harvard University and elsewhere.
  • British Dragonfly Society and help in identifying them
  • British Entomological & Natural History Society (BENHS). Research in entomology and conservation of the fauna and flora of the UK, based near Reading, for professional and amateur scientists.
  • British leaf mining fauna
  • British Mycological Society
  • Association of British Fungus Groups
  • British plant gall society.
  • British Wildlife Guide at Lineone with lists and descriptions of British plants, animals, insects etc.
  • Bumblebees, Natural History Museum's online identification guide for species in the U.K.
  • Butterfly conservation: details of British butterflies and moths, descriptions, distribution and conservation.
  • UK Butterflies information and photos for identification.
  • Chironomid (Fresh water non-biting insects) resources.
  • Costa Rican biodiversity, ATTA database with over two million records.
  •  Expert Centre for Taxonomic identification funded by the Dutch Government, the University of Amsterdam, UNESCO etc. with CDs for sale, including bird songs.
  • 'Habitat' news portal to UK wildlife & environment stories
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). It publishes lists of endangered species.
  •  Insect photos, Keith Edkins, Cambridge UK: dragonflies and damselflies, grasshoppers , true bugs, Cicadas, aphids & hoppers.
  • Mycology, UK 'mushroom shop' on all things to do with mushrooms.
  • Marine life census, Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education.
  • National Biodiversity Network, (NBN). A  union of likeminded UK organisations that are collaborating to create an information network of biodiversity data that is accessible through the Internet. Their 'Recorder2000' software is used to collect, manage and exchange biodiversity data to NBN standards.
  • Natural History Museum, London. Darwin Centre and the online National Biodiversity Network's UK 'Species Dictionary'. NaturePlus 'Bug Forum' for identification.
  • Plantlife Plant conservation charity
  • Portland Bill Observatory and Field Centre with lists of bird and insect sightings.
  • Spiders and insects, Nick Loven's site.
  • TreeBASE database of evolutionary relationships.
  • UK Biodiversity Action Plan
  • UKmoths, by Ian Kimber. Photos and descriptions of moths in the UK.
  • Woodland Trust, charity to protect native woodland in the UK.
  • Usenet sites: news:uk.rec.natural-history news:uk.environmen.conservation.

    Updated 17 May 2010

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